Recent Ruling Supports the Prescription of Eurotubes® Multi-Chamber Bags – Relevance for Medical Institutes and Professionals

On June 21, 2024, the Hamburg Regional Court ruled that claims made by Carenoble about the alleged inefficiency of Eurozyto GmbH’s Eurotubes® multi-chamber bags were unlawful. These bags, used for parenteral nutrition, have been shown in the PEKANNUSS study to offer significant advantages, such as a reduced risk of infection in certain patient cases, which justifies their cost-effective prescription despite higher prices.

For our institute, which is deeply involved in nutrition science and medical innovations, this ruling is of particular importance. It highlights the crucial role of scientifically validated research in assessing medical products and their practical benefits. In the field of parenteral nutrition, innovations like Eurotubes® are key to enhancing the quality of patient care.

Additionally, the Hamburg Higher Regional Court ruled that Carenoble is prohibited from using the BKK association’s logo, as it falsely suggested a non-existent cooperation. This legal case underscores the importance of accurate and transparent information in the healthcare sector, ensuring that both professionals and patients can make informed decisions about the best treatment options.

This ruling provides important insights for medical research and practice, particularly in the field of nutrition science. It reaffirms the importance of scientific research and well-founded clinical studies in establishing new treatment methods and preventing misinformation.