“S3 Guideline Sets Standards: The End of Myths and Speculations”

The revision of the S3 guidelines for home enteral and parenteral nutrition by the German Society for Nutritional Medicine (DGEM) represents a significant advancement that our organization has embraced for years and will continue to champion. The updated guidelines Read more

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A Major Success for Our Institute: Publication in the Renowned Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine

Publication in the Renowned Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine

We are delighted to announce a significant milestone for our institute: Prof. Dr. Igor G. Bondarenko, Senior Researcher at the Medical Institute for Nutrition Science and Technology, has co-authored a groundbreaking Read more

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Recent Ruling Supports the Prescription of Eurotubes® Multi-Chamber Bags – Relevance for Medical Institutes and Professionals

On June 21, 2024, the Hamburg Regional Court ruled that claims made by Carenoble about the alleged inefficiency of Eurozyto GmbH’s Eurotubes® multi-chamber bags were unlawful. These bags, used for parenteral nutrition, have been shown in the PEKANNUSS study Read more

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Milestone in Patient Care and Safety: PEKANNUSS Study Highlights the Clinical Benefits of Eurotubes® for Parenteral Nutrition

PEKANNUSS Study Highlights the Clinical Benefits of Eurotubes® for Parenteral Nutrition

The recent PEKANNUSS study, a Phase IV open-label, randomized, multicenter trial, marks a significant advancement in the treatment of patients requiring parenteral nutrition. This study compared the Read more

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Gender Equality Plan

We are delighted to announce the successful completion of the Gender Equality Plan implementation at the Medical Institute for Nutrition Science and Technology. This achievement marks a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to advancing gender equality within our Read more

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International cooperation

We are glad to inform that the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (FMUI) Prof. Dr.dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD, K-GEH, MMB, has confirmed planned cooperation in giving lectures and collaboration between MINST and FMUI in research Read more

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Germany “DGE”

In response to the recent recommendation by the German Nutrition Society (DGE) to reduce daily meat consumption to 10 grams, we would like to emphasize that there is currently no clear scientific evidence that medically justifies this specific reduction Read more

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Register of scientific institutions of Latvia

Foundation “Medical Institute for Nutrition Science & Technology” has been established not so long time ago. The competence, reliability and professionalism gathered in it were confirmed when it was registered in the register of scientific institutions of Latvia on February 20, 2023.

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